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21 Savage, Metro Boomin Snitches & Rats (feat. Young Nudy) acapella and instrumental

Snitches & Rats (feat. Young Nudy) - Acapella & Instrumental

21 Savage, Metro Boomin


A Major


146 bpm



The acapella and instrumental for Snitches & Rats (feat. Young Nudy) is in the key of A Major, has a tempo of 146 bpm, and is 3 minutes and 7 seconds long. This production is musically considered danceable. The vocals and instrumental were recorded by 21 Savage, Metro Boomin and Young Nudy, and released 3 years ago on Friday 2nd of October 2020. The lyrics of Snitches & Rats are explicit.

Steps to download the acapella and instrumental

  1. 1. Upload Snitches & Rats (feat. Young Nudy) by 21 Savage, Metro Boomin.
  2. 2. Please wait a few seconds while we extract the acapella and instrumental.
  3. 3. Listen to the result and download it.