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David Bisbal Y, ¿Si Fuera Ella? - + Es + acapella and instrumental

Y, ¿Si Fuera Ella? - + Es + - Acapella & Instrumental

David Bisbal


F Major


151 bpm



The acapella and instrumental for Y, ¿Si Fuera Ella? - + Es + is in the key of F Major, has a tempo of 151 bpm, and is 4 minutes and 10 seconds long. The vocals and instrumental were recorded by Pablo Alborán, David Bisbal, Antonio Carmona, Manuel Carrasco, Jesse & Joy, Juanes, Pablo López, Malú, Vanesa Martín, India Martinez, Antonio Orozco, Niña Pastori, Laura Pausini, Abel Pintos, Rozalén, Shakira and Tommy Torres, and released 6 years ago on Friday 8th of December 2017. The lyrics of Y, ¿Si Fuera Ella? aren't explicit.

Steps to download the acapella and instrumental

  1. 1. Upload Y, ¿Si Fuera Ella? - + Es + by David Bisbal.
  2. 2. Please wait a few seconds while we extract the acapella and instrumental.
  3. 3. Listen to the result and download it.