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Jennifer Lopez El Ultimo Adiós - Varios Artistas Version acapella and instrumental

El Ultimo Adiós - Varios Artistas Version - Acapella & Instrumental

Jennifer Lopez


D♭ Major


78 bpm



The acapella and instrumental for El Ultimo Adiós - Varios Artistas Version is in the key of D♭ Major, has a tempo of 78 bpm, and is 3 minutes and 57 seconds long. The vocals and instrumental were recorded by Ricky Martin, Alejandro Sanz, Thalía, Juan Luis Guerra 4.40, Gloria Estefan, Celia Cruz, Olga Tañón, Ricardo Montaner, Ana Gabriel, Jorge Hernández, Los Tigres Del Norte, Alicia Villarreal, Alejandro Fernández, Carlos Vives, Jaci Velasquez, Marco Antonio Solís, José José, Lucia Mendez, Jennifer Lopez, Emmanuele, Chayanne, Gilberto Santa Rosa, Paulina Rubio, Alberto "Beto" Zapata, La Ley, Ana Bárbara, Carlos Ponce, Jon Secada, Shakira, Gian Marco, Luis Fonsi, Yuri, Miguel Bosé, Wilkins, Giselle, Melina Leon, Limi-T 21, Christina Aguilera, José Feliciano and José Luis Rodríguez, and released 22 years ago on Wednesday 21st of November 2001. The lyrics of El Ultimo Adiós aren't explicit.

Steps to download the acapella and instrumental

  1. 1. Upload El Ultimo Adiós - Varios Artistas Version by Jennifer Lopez.
  2. 2. Please wait a few seconds while we extract the acapella and instrumental.
  3. 3. Listen to the result and download it.