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Leone Resistiré acapella and instrumental

Resistiré - Acapella & Instrumental



A Major


200 bpm



The acapella and instrumental for Resistiré is in the key of A Major, has a tempo of 200 bpm, and is 4 minutes and 12 seconds long. This production is musically considered energetic. The vocals and instrumental were recorded by RESISTIRÉ MÉXICO, Aida Cuevas, Belinda, Edith Márquez, Gloria Trevi, Ha*Ash, Kaia Lana, Lila Downs, María José, María León, Paty Cantú, Sandra Echeverria, Ximena Sariñana, Arath Herce, Axel Muñiz, Benny, Camila, Caztro, Chucho Rivas, Cristian Castro, DLD, Horacio Palencia, Kinky, Leonel García, Lupe Esparza, MC Davo, Mijares, Mœnia, Río Roma, Rodrigo Dávila and Yahir, and released 4 years ago on Thursday 16th of April 2020. The lyrics of Resistiré aren't explicit.

Steps to download the acapella and instrumental

  1. 1. Upload Resistiré by Leone.
  2. 2. Please wait a few seconds while we extract the acapella and instrumental.
  3. 3. Listen to the result and download it.